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What is the secret to networking success?
Have you ever found yourself at a networking event, juggling a plate of appetizers in one hand and a stack of business cards in the other?
Wondering how to make meaningful connections in this whirlwind of handshakes and small talk?
If you have, you are not alone.
Networking is often seen as a mysterious art, with some people effortlessly creating connections while others struggle to break the ice.
But here's the good news:
Networking doesn’t have to be a puzzle.
It's more like a well-crafted journey with three key steps:
"Identify, Strategise, and Execute."
So, how can they help your networking skills?
I'll explain it one by one:


This phase is all about getting to know your goals, desires, and challenges. It's like taking a closer look at where you are right now and figuring out where you want to go in networking.
Identifying your goals is like the starting line of a race
It gives you a clear sense of direction and purpose.
Whether you're looking to expand your professional connections, find job opportunities, or build relationships within your industry, pinpointing them is vital to create a blueprint for your success.
When you're in the identification phase, consider asking yourself questions like:
  • What am I aiming to achieve?
  • What are my strengths and areas I can improve?
  • What resources do I have at my disposal?
  • What hurdles might I face on the journey?
Answering these questions helps you understand your starting point better and what you need to work on.


Once you've identified your networking goals, it's time to create a plan to reach them.
Networking strategy involves setting objectives, planning your approach, and deciding on the most effective methods to achieve your networking goals.
You might determine which events to attend, how to connect with people, or what platforms to use for online networking.
It's about laying out a roadmap for your networking journey.
Key components of the strategize phase include:
  • Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals.
  • Developing a detailed action plan.
  • Identifying potential challenges and devising solutions.
  • Allocating resources and defining priorities.
A well-thought-out strategy provides the roadmap that will guide you on your journey towards success.


The final and most critical stage of the ISE framework is "Execute."
This is where you put your networking plan into action. It requires actively engaging with people, attending events, reaching out to potential contacts, and building relationships.
Execution demands consistency and dedication. It's about taking the steps necessary to make your networking strategy a reality.
During the execution phase, it's important to:
  • Stay focused on your goals.
  • Monitor your progress regularly.
  • Adapt to changes and challenges that arise.
  • Celebrate small victories along the way.
The execution phase can be the most challenging, but it's also the most rewarding.
It's where your hard work pays off and where you see tangible progress towards your goals.

What is the Power of ISE?

The ISE framework is a powerful tool not only in networking but also for anyone seeking success in any area of life.
It provides a structured approach to goal achievement, ensuring that you not only identify your aspirations but also create a plan and take consistent action to make them a reality.
By following the ISE process, you can maximize your potential, overcome obstacles, and and achieve your networking objectives.
Keep in mind that success is a journey, and the ISE framework serves as your reliable guide along the way.
Whether you are striving for personal growth, professional development, or business success, the process of Identifying, Strategizing, and Executing will help you turn your aspirations into concrete achievements.
So that’s it!
As our adventure through the Three Step Approach to Networking Success comes to a close, remember that networking is more than just business
It's about building trust, lasting relationships, and seizing opportunities.
Keep identifying your goals, crafting smart strategies, and executing them with passion and dedication.

Be a connector
A helper, and
A resource for others in your network

By paying it forward, you'll find that your network will naturally grow and thrive.