Web Design and Development
A picture is worth a thousand words, so they say, and that is also true of your website. It must embody your story and your aims so that it will help you with your product or service to satisfy the requirements of your customers.
This tells your visitors and potential customers about your business and what it can provide in the way of products and services. Modern design and appearance give confidence to your customers that you know what you are doing, and can in turn provide them what they need. It is also essential that your website is easily visible and functional on all brands and sizes of digital devices.
Web Design and Development is an important part of the process, because first you must have the “Dream” laid out and analysed to see that it fulfils your requirements, so that the web builder can bring it to fruition. This is where we need all the nitty gritty details mentioned on the home page questions answered so that we can better understand your business and where you want to go with it and plan accordingly.
We require an in depth chat about how this website is going to promote and complement your business. We also need to know all of the subtleties and unique points of your business so that we can portray them on your site in a way that it will accurately reflect your business to both your current and future customers. The design needs to enhance your brand, which will in turn increase your market share and your bottom line.
How will this website fit into your overall advertising and promotional budget? Once we have determined that we can tailor a site to suit any budget, but you must then decide if it meets your requirements in this current climate when an online presence is becoming of paramount importance to ALL businesses. If the budget doesn’t allow for what you want to do – don’t panic “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” We will explore other possibilities.
One would be just to put up a basic site, and as funds become available slowly make it grow. There will be a way. So head over to our contact page and organise a chat to see how we can help you.
Web Design Principles
This tells your visitors and potential customers about your business and what it can provide in the way of products and services. Modern design and appearance give confidence to your customers that you know what you are doing, and can in turn provide them what they need. It is also essential that your website is easily visible and functional on all brands and sizes of digital devices. Some good photos of your business and some of the products or services you provide would be good. This can also include staff with customers, and whatever else suits your circumstances. A video of an in store promotion, or 360 degree photos would also enhance your Brand and provide a point of difference to most other websites.

The ability to navigate around your website allows customers to seek out and find what it is that they are searching for which in turn makes them become a customer of yours. This requires plenty of links around the website and a good menu system so that they do not get frustrated trying to find whatever it is they are searching for. For a website to work well for your customers it must be intuitive and most of all be able to operate on all varieties of devices capable of working on the web. The last thing you want is a potential customer leaving because of an issue trying to navigate around your website before they have had the chance to connect with you.
It is imperative that you capture the attention of your potential customers, and that you keep them on your site, or you will lose the sale. The only way you can make a sale of your product or service is to attract, capture and maintain attention so that you can direct them to what it is they are seeking from you. Essentially it must contain good interesting and informative copy that describes the product or service as well as educates the potential customer on the benefits of acquiring this from you because it will solve the problem that they had which made them come to you for a solution.
It is important that visitors know how to move around your site so they can source what they are looking for. There is a very real difference between how mobile customers view your site versus how a desktop search is carried out. Therefore it is imperative that your site is responsive to all forms of devices. So ensure that your website builder checks your site before handover to you that all varieties of devices are carefully checked to confirm that they will all work perfectly. So if the display is corrupted for their device or search method and that makes it difficult, then they will leave, and a potential sale is lost.
The ultimate goal after you manage to attract a visitor to your site is to encourage them to take action. If they leave without making a decision to buy or contact you then you have lost a potential customer. So it is important that there are many opportunities for them to take action. CTA’s (Calls to Action) need to be placed well and often throughout your website to encourage your potential customer to take action when they feel they have what they want, or the information they need to make a decision.
At this point you have an opportunity to capitalise on their “ah ha” moment before they lose interest or are distracted by some external incident. This means your website then has fulfilled its mission and has justified its existence as it has improved your bottom line. The more times we can make this happen the happier you will be and the greater chance we at Leading Edge Web Services have of getting a good review and repeat business. We can assure you that our aim is to help you succeed, because then we have a win, win situation for us all. Please reach out to us via the contact page so that we may help you.