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Do you also find yourself staring at a daunting blank screen, wondering where on earth to start with your copy?
I get it
I have waded through stacks of copywriting books, soaking in all the theory and techniques.
But bridging the gap between theory and putting pen to paper can be a whole different game.
Use a “swipe file” to study information as an additional learning tool.
Any idea what it is?
Taking ideas from the swipe file examples that piqued your interest, such as headlines, content, layouts, and offers
Is referred to as “swiping.”
Then apply them in your own copy.
Did you notice that I said “apply,” rather than “steal” ?
Swipe copying should not be done word for word.
That is plagiarism.
Instead, you may use the swipes as models, motivation, and starting points for your own unique copywriting projects.
It is not considered plagiarism to incorporate someone else’s ideas as long as you express them in your own words.

The point is not to copy the swipe word for word, it is all about soaking insights:

  • How to strategically position those oh-so-tempting offers
  • What tone and voice resonate with your audience
  • How to skilfully compare pricing levels
  • How to create a compelling argument
  • And a whole lot more.
In the industry, we call it “copycatting.”
Now, here are few reasons why swipe files are a must have to copywriters:


Swipe files provide copywriters with a treasure trove of inspiration.
Instead of staring at a blank page, check out successful ad copies, sales letters, landing pages, and email campaigns in your swipe file.
For example, analyse how a catchy headline or a compelling call to action is structured.
Take notes on what caught your eye and apply similar techniques to your own writing.

Time Saving Hacks

Copywriters often face tight deadlines and the need to produce high quality content quickly.
Swipe files can save valuable time by providing pre existing content that can be used as a starting point or reference.
Use the structure, formatting, and language as a starting point, adapting it to fit your specific needs.
It is not about copying
It’s about using proven structures to save time.

Learning Tool

Swipe files offer a valuable learning opportunity for copywriters.
By analysing successful copy, they can understand the psychology behind effective persuasion techniques, storytelling, and emotional triggers.
This knowledge can be applied to their own writing to create compelling and persuasive content that resonates with the target audience.


Swipe files are versatile resources that can be used across different industries and niches.
Copywriters can curate swipe files specific to their target audience or industry, allowing them to tailor their writing to meet the unique needs and preferences of their clients or customers.

Idea Generation

Copywriters sometimes face writer’s block or struggle to come up with fresh and innovative ideas.
Swipe files can serve as a wellspring of ideas, sparking creativity and helping copywriters generate new concepts and angles for their copywriting projects.
And there you have it!
Incorporating a swipe file is just one element in your overall copywriting approach.
It’s crucial to complement this with thorough research on the product or service, understanding the target audience, and analysing competitors.
By amassing swipe files, you are essentially equipping your copywriting toolbox with a wealth of inspiration and ideas to kick start your projects.
Nothing beats the frustration of staring at a blank screen, unsure of where to begin.
With a swipe file, you can experiment with different concepts, finding what resonates best.
It might take a few attempts, but it’s a lot better option than giving in to the paralysis and anxiety that comes with a blank canvas.
Once you see how much a swipe file can help with your writing process, you’ll never want to write without one.
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