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An image of a speaker in front of a happy crowd making a presentation. Beside the image is a big headline that reads 'Make a lasting impression at the end of your presentation.' It illustrates the importance of creating a strong and memorable conclusion to leave a lasting impact on your audience. a

Did you know that 70% of audiences remember the closing statement more than anything else?
The closing isn’t just a formality
It’s the make or break moment.
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” — Peter Drucker
Let’s wrap up your presentation with a bang!
Leaving a lasting impact is all about that powerful closing statement.
Not just any ending but the kind that makes people go,
“Whoa, that was awesome!”
We want our audience buzzing with inspiration, not forgetting our message in a flash.
So how to end a presentation well?
Here are 4 techniques you can try:

End on Time

Ensure you conclude your presentation on time.
It might seem like a no brainer, but you would be surprised how many of us end up in a time
It’s like trying to fit a week’s worth of clothes into a carry-on we cram too much in and rush
through, often ending up way beyond our time limit.
However, being on time isn’t just about the clock
It’s about showing our audience we’ve got our act together and are well-organized.

End with a Story

We all love a good tale.
Leverage the power of storytelling as a tool to make a lasting impact towards the end of killer
Keep it short and sweet.
Kick it off with a casual “Let me end my presentation on a personal note…”
And watch it add that emotional oomph, reinforcing your main points and sticking in everyone’s

Full Circle Closure

How about giving your presentation a bit of deja vu?
Bring things full circle by referring back to your opening message.
It’s like tying a bow on a present, creating that cosy, consistent feeling.
Planning is the key.
You will need to plan for this ahead of time.
Here are some tips and ideas:

1. Pose a question which you answer at the end
2. Tell a story in the beginning but leave it unfinished until the end
3. Repeat the first slide, this work especially well with powerful images or quotes
4. Reference a comment, someone, in the audience made and connect it to the closure

Quick Recap with Flair

Wrap it up with a quick recap, adding flair to the “tell them” method.
It goes like this:

  • Outline what you’re going to tell them
  • Then tell them, and
  • Finally, recap what you just told them.

Studies indicate that people only absorb about 30% of what you say, making this repetition
However, avoid staleness by steering clear of mundane phrases like
“In conclusion” or “To sum up.”
Instead, invigorate your audience with phrases like
“Where is this all leading?” or “What does this all mean?”
Keep it fresh and engaging until the very end.

So there you have it!
A strong, memorable conclusion not only reinforces your key messages
But also shapes the overall perception of your presentation.
It’s your chance to leave a lasting imprint, ensuring that your audience doesn’t just remember the

But is inspired, motivated, and compelled to act based on the impression you have created in
those final moments
It is the last taste they have
The closing chord that resonates, and
The takeaway they carry with them
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Photo ALT Text – An image of a speaker in front of a happy crowd making a presentation. Beside
the image is a big headline that reads ‘Make a lasting impression at the end of your presentation.’
It illustrates the importance of creating a strong and memorable conclusion to leave a lasting
impact on your audience.